For bank beating exchange rates and service, why not let Foremost Currency be your eyes and ears on the market. A typical house purchase or sale may take a few months to complete, in which time the GBP/EUR exchange rate could fluctuate several percent. Foremost will help you buy or sell your Euros at more opportune times using their extensive market knowledge and experience to ensure you save as much as possible. ASK VILLASOL FOR CONTACT DETAILS
When buying property overseas the constant fluctuation of foreign exchange rates mean that the installments you may have to pay on your new home will also be constantly fluctuating - maybe beyond your budget. So it makes sense to guarantee the best rate possible. Currencies Direct, one of the market leaders in foreign exchange, can offer many options which are not readily available to individuals though high-street banks and which could save you hundreds, if not thousands of pounds, these include. For more information Contact Us Now!
This is the buy now, pay now option and is ideal for those whose capital is readily available to them and who need to act swiftly.
This is the buy now, pay later option and is ideal if you have some time before your money is due overseas or are waiting for the proceeds from the sale of your UK property. This option not only protects against possible drops in the exchange rate but also gives you the security of the currency you need at a guaranteed cost, regardless of fluctuations in the market.
This is ideal for any regular overseas payments such as foreign mortgages, pensions or salaries. They can be done at commercial rates as opposed to the tourist rates a high-street bank would offer. At Villasol we can guide you through all the stages of your property purchase and help you secure the best possible exchange rates, at terms tailored to your buying needs. For more information on how you can benefit call on (0034) 95 252 7201 or Contact Us Now!
We like to make sure our clients get the best rates, and the best service, with the leading exchange specialists.